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Is Acupuncture painful?
Not at Acupuncture Clermont
Painless Acupuncture
At Acupuncture Clermont it is rare for a person to feel any discomfort with the acupuncture needles, this is because we locate the acupuncture points correctly first, and use high-quality needles with a desensitizing guide tube that make our treatments more comfortable.
Acupuncture Clermont uses modern acupuncture techniques and high quality equipment to ensure a painless acupuncture treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine style acupuncture require the needles to be twisted or trusted in and out (dry needling) for "De Qi" effect. With modern evidence based acupuncture we can test the acupuncture points to see which ones will work best before putting in any needle and do not require twisting the needles to create a pain response like Traditional Acupuncture.
Another factor that makes acupuncture more comfortable is the quality and type of needles used, we use only Japanese and Korean made needles with desensitizing guide tube for painless needle insertion, these needles come in a small tube that is pushed against the skin before the needle is tapped into the body. The pressure of the tube on the skin blocks the messages of the needles peircing the skin (gate control) the tube also acts as a guide for the needle to go into the right depth for safety and accuracy.
Safety is one of our primary goals and we exceed all recommended local and federal guidelines for COVID infection control along with other sterilization procedures, beside using sterilized and disposable equipment, Dr. Walsh is also trained to pick up any red flags (serious health concerns) during your examination or treatment and will refer you for further care if needed.
What should I feel during and after an acupuncture treatment?
During an acupuncture treatment, most people feel a deep sense of relaxation; what we call "induced meditation." This meditative effect occurs mostly when using the neurological actions of acupuncture to regulate the nervous system. Individuals may experience; a heavy, numb and tingling sensation or gentle electrical signals traveling through the nervous system. Some individuals may feel “acu-stoned” after treatment, this is a calm but euphoric feeling from endorphins and natural opioids released into the body but this will not affect driving home or going back to work after the treatment. It is not usual for an individual to experience a immediate reduction of pain or an increased range of motion after an acupuncture session while some chronic issues improvement may hours or a few days after the therapy. Many people feel tired for several days after the treatment due to the body is using your energy to heal itself which get less after consecutive treatments as the body heals more, it is strongly recommended do not exercise after the treatment. Wait until the following day or even several depending on your energy levels as you do not want to use your energy for exercise or you will have less for your body to heal itself.
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Four Corners
Acupuncture Clermont © 2021
221 Frontage Road, Suite H,
Clermont, FL 34711